The Studio at Firnew Farm

Before there was art, there was painting. ... I remember a conversation I once had with an elder painter who was a particular proponent of abstraction, insisting on the absolute importance of painting's independence from any demand it illustrate a predetermined meaning. "Well, how do you feel when you look at a painting by Caravaggio?"
Everyday Painting" by Barry Schwabsky

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Firnew Farm Artists' 2nd Annual Paint Out at Capon Springs, West Virginia

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Emma Papenfus

Emma Papenfus
Carroll University, Waukesha, Wisconsin art student

There we are in the Vatican!

There we are in the Vatican!
Ann Dye, photo

The Montpelier Ladies: Sue Linthicum, Megan & Trish Crowe, Nora Siegel Sterling and Gail Trimmer Unterman

Art capturing art, capturing art ...